Vivasvat – An Ancestor of Humanity

Vivasvat or Vivasvan

Vivasvat, also known as Vivasvant or Vivasvan is one of the Adityas (son of goddess mother Aditi and Sage Kashyapa).

His wife is Saranyu, the daughter of Tvashtar. His sons include the Ashvins, Yama, and Manu. Through Manu, Vivasvat is considered an ancestor of humanity.

Vivasvat is affiliated with Matarishvan, with Agni being stated to have been first revealed to those two.

Vivasvant is also used as an adjective of Agni and Ushas to mean “brilliant”. By the time of his earliest appearance (the Rigveda), Vivasvat had declined in importance. He was likely a solar deity, but scholars debate his specific role as one.

In the Rigveda, Indra drinks Soma alongside Manu Vivasvat and Trita. In post-Vedic literature, Vivasvat further declines in importance, and is merely another name for Lord Surya (the sun). He is cognate to the Avestan Vivanhvant, the father of Yima (cognate to Yama) and Manu.

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Related Deity / Character
Tvashta – The Heavenly Builder
Dhata – God of Health & Magic
Amshuman or Anshuman
Mitra – God of friendship and the morning sun
Bhaga – God of Wealth
Aryaman – God of Customs
Surya – The Sun God
Aditi – Goddess of the Sky & Mother of Adityas