Tvashta – The Heavenly Builder


Tvashta or Tvashtr is a Vedic artisan god or fashioner. He is mentioned as an Aditya (son of goddess Aditi and sage Kashyapa) in later Hindu scriptures like the Mahabharata and Puranas.

Tvashtr is sometimes identified with another artisan deity named Vishvakarma. Tvashta is the heavenly builder, the maker of divine implements and the lord of the womb. He is the guardian of Soma, and his son Vishvarupa is the guardian of cows.

In the Rigveda, Tvashtr is stated to be a skilful craftsman who created many implements, including Indra’s bolt, the axe of Brihaspati, and a cup for divine food and drink. He is stated to be the creator of forms and is often stated to be the crafter of living beings and wombs. He is also considered a universal father, and an ancestor of humans through his daughter Saranyu.

He wields a metal axe and rides a chariot pulled by two fallow bay mares.

Tvashta is associated with many other deities, Pushan, Savitr, Dhatr, Prajapati, and Vishvakarman, due to his role as a fashioner.

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Related Deity / Character
Dhata – God of Health & Magic
Amshuman or Anshuman
Mitra – God of friendship and the morning sun
Bhaga – God of Wealth
Aryaman – God of Customs
Surya – The Sun God
Aditi – Goddess of the Sky & Mother of Adityas
Adityas- Solar Deities of Vedic Tradition