Chhaya or Chaya is the goddess of shadow, and a consort of Lord Surya, the Hindu sun god. She is the shadow-image or reflection of Saranyu (Sanjana), the first wife of Surya.
Chhaya is usually described as the mother of Shani, the planet Saturn, and the god of karma and justice: a feared graha; goddess Tapti, the personification of river Tapti; goddess Vishti, the personification of Kala; and a son Savarni Manu, who is destined to be the next and eighth Manu (progenitor of mankind) – the ruler of the next Manvantara period.
Due to the unbearable heat of Lord Surya, his consort Sanjana left him. Before leaving, she creates a similar-looking woman from her shadow (Chhaya) and asks her to take care of the children. However, in Vedic accounts, the lady is a similar-looking woman named Savarna.
Markandeya Purana as well as Vishnudharmottara Purana prescribe that Surya should be depicted in images with Chhaya and his other wives by his sides.