Kamandalu (Water Jug)


Kamandalu or Kamandal means a sacred oblong water jug. Originally, it used to be made of pumpkin or coconut shell, wood or from clay. Later metal versions became more popular (bronze, brass etc.)

Kamandalu is a common iconography of Hindu Deities, especially Lord Brahma. The kamandalu is also used by Jain monks and in depictions of some bodhisattvas.


Apart from Lord Brahma, Kamandalu can be seen regularly with Lord Shiva, Vamana avatar of Lord Vishnu, Varuna, Ganga (or other river goddesses), Goddess Saraswati, Brahmani, Dhanvantari. It is also a common iconography of saints and sages.

Kamandalu represents fullness and generosity, also purity and purification.


Brahma standing
Brahma with Kamandalu
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