Chakra (Discus or Wheel)


Chakra is a characteristically Vaishnava and is a prime weapon of Lord Vishnu. It is also carried by Durga.

It is shown in sculptures in two different forms. In the first variety, it is shaped like the wheel of a cart, with spokes, nave and all, and is meant to be grasped by the rim. But in the other form, it is highly ornamented, the spokes are made to resemble the petals of a lotus so that the internal parts appear like a full-blown lotus in the tout ensemble.

Chakra - Iconography
Chakra – Iconography

chakraThe chakra also has ornamentations on the top and sides and a jewelled ribbon running around it. It is in some cases held in the hand using this ribbon, and in other cases between the first two fingers. It is a weapon resembling the modern quoit and must have been used as a missile to be thrown against the enemy to cut him through and kill him,

The early representations of chakra were large forming a halo behind Vishnu’s head. The chakra was later stylized into a small ornamental ayudha held gracefully with two fingers.

Lord Vishnu’s primary weapon is Sudarshan Chakra.

Representation: The wheel is the symbol of the Dharma which rotates and spins its beneficial influence in all directions. It also symbolises the cycle of Samsara — of repeated birth and death which turns endlessly and from which we desire to be liberated. It is also used as a weapon and its speed is faster than the speed of the mind — thus representing the cosmic mind which destroys our enemies in the form of afflictive emotions.

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