Mitra – God of friendship and the morning sun


Mitra god is one of the Aditya (the sons of the goddess Aditi, fathered by the sage Kashyapa) and is a Vedic Hindu deity known as the protector of treaties. In later Vedic texts and Brahmins, he is mentioned as the ‘light of the dawn’ and ‘morning sun’.

According to Atharva Veda, Mitra is worshipped in the morning prayers to the Sun. He is considered the patron god of friendship and hates violence.

Vedic Mitra is a prominent deity of the Rigveda distinguished by a relationship to Varuna, the protector of Rta (the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it.) as described in hymn 2, Mandala 1 of Rigveda. Vedic Mitra is the patron divinity of honesty, friendship, contracts and meetings.

According to Bhagavata Purana, Revati (means ‘prosperity’) is the name of Mitra’s wife and the couple has three sons— Utsarga, Arishtha and Pippala.

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Related Deity / Character
Bhaga – God of Wealth
Aryaman – God of Customs
Surya – The Sun God
Aditi – Goddess of the Sky & Mother of Adityas
Adityas- Solar Deities of Vedic Tradition
Lord Varuna: The Celestial Guardian of the Oceans and Cosmic Order
Indra – The King of Gods