Aryaman – God of Customs


Aryman is the third son of Kashyapa and Aditi, the father and mother of the Adityas.

Aryman means “Life-Partner”, “Close Friend”, “Partner”, “Play-Fellow” or “Companion”. He is depicted as the mid-morning sun disc. He is the deity of the customs that rule the various Vedic tribes and people.

In the Rigveda, Aryaman is described as the protector of mares and stallions, and the Milky Way (aryamṇáḥ pánthāḥ) is said to be his path. Aryaman is commonly invoked together with Mitra-Varuna, Bhaga, Bṛhaspati, and other Adityas and asuras.

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Related Deity / Character
Surya – The Sun God
Aditi – Goddess of the Sky & Mother of Adityas
Adityas- Solar Deities of Vedic Tradition