Daitya Sudan Temple – Lonar – Maharashtra

Daitya Sudan Temple – the mighty impressive temple is located in the heart of the Lonar village. This beautiful Lord Vishnu temple has been dated to the reign of the Chalukya Dynasty who ruled Central & Southern India between 6th and 12th century AD.

One of the best examples of Hemadpanthi style of construction, the temple is built in the form of an asymmetrical star. Wonderful erotic carvings of the temple resembles to the popular Khajuraho temples and definitely reminds you about the exquisitely rich elaborated carvings of Badami or Pattadakkal, built by the mighty Chalukyas only.

The deity idol– the Vishnu Avatar standing atop a demon – is made of an iron ore that look like stone adding an extra edge of mystique to the place. The shrine (Garbha Gruha) is pretty dark and the carvings within abode can be revealed only with the help of a torch light. It is a tree chamber temple. The present idol was made by Bhosale rulers of Nagpur after the original went missing.

The second chamber is called “Antaral” where individual poojas are performed. The ceiling of the chamber carries beautiful cravings of slaying of Lavanasur by Lord Vishnu, appearance of Lonar Lake, story of Kansa- Krishna, Narasimha killing Hiranyakashyapa along with Rasleela. Outermost is the the assembly chamber (Sabhamandapa).

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