Matsya Avatar kills Hayagriva and Saves Manu.
Painting, in opaque watercolour on paper, depicting the fish (Matsya) incarnation of Vishnu. Illustration of a Vishnu Avatara series.
To the right, Vishnu is depicted crowned, wearing a brocaded yellow garment; two of his four arms hold the Vedas recovered from the horse-headed demon Hayagriva, and in his belt are tucked a shell and pink lotus. He issues from the mouth of the saphari fish; around a horn on the fish’s head is tied a rope formed by a white snake, whose tail is fastened to a boat. In the boat stand the saga Manu and the seven rishis (sages). Beneath the grey, swirling flood lies the dead body of Hayagriva, holding a sword, with blood pouring from his horse’s head.